Thursday, April 14, 2011

drinks to bring down heatiness

ziyi is very prone to throat infection and that will lead her to have high fever. after going through the pain and agony of dealing with a sick and cranky child, which also means having hard time administering antibiotics and fever medicine, i am now taking precaution steps. although antibiotics are effective in treating her but i really hate the idea of my baby taking so much of antibiotics. 

ziyi is not allowed to take so much fried and heaty food. i try to boil barley for her once a week and in order to make her drink them i will have to add some Ribena into her barley drink. coconut water is another drink which i like to give it to her because it helps to keep the body cool and at the proper temperature.

coconut water is incredibly healthy and one of the best drinks to hydrate the body. besides helping to remove toxins from the body and aiding digestion, coconuts have amazing anti-viral, anti-fungal and anti-microbial properties that help to cure diseases.


i always try to drop by the Malay stall in my neighbourhood every other day to buy few packets of coconut water for the family. i will choose only the young and unsweetened ones. ziyi doesn't really like it as it's a tad sourish but i try to negotiate with her and make her drink at least 1/4 cup. 

i hope with the barley and coconut water, it helps to lessen the frequency of her contracting bacterial infection and high fever again. 

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